
JULY 2024
Slippery Words
The religious scene in America is confusing enough. It doesn’t help when words that originally had one meaning get borrowed and changed for various purposes. Here are a few of the more misunderstood terms in Christian lingo today.

Protestant. Today, “Protestant” refers to any non-Roman Catholic denomination, or anyone who belongs to such a denomination. Lutherans, Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists, Calvinists, Pentecostals, and others are all lumped together under this one term.
      Originally, that wasn’t its use at all. Ask just about anyone why these groups are called Protestants, and the answer will be, “Because they followed Luther in protesting the abuses in the Catholic Church.” That’s a common misunderstanding. The truth is that the religious use of the word dates back to 1539, when a group of German Lutheran Princes walked out of the Diet of Spyer, in protest against the decision to walk back the policy that the religion of each prince would be the religion of his territory. When this Diet insisted that everyone had to be Catholic or lose his property, the Lutheran princes protested. So, strictly speaking, only Lutherans are Protestants. And not for the reasons people think nowadays. Eventually, however, the word was misappropriated to refer to Calvinists as well as Lutherans, with the purpose of obscuring the great differences between them. Eventually “Protestant” came to describe any confession besides Catholicism.
      Why does it matter? Because Lutherans differ in some very important ways from other “Protestants.” Yet search on the internet for what Protestants believe, and you will find that all Protestants believe the Sacraments are just symbols, or that Protestants reject creeds and traditions. This falsely represents Lutherans, and makes many Lutherans think that we are just another flavor of the same ice cream. So, ironically, a word that once applied to only a small group of Lutherans now doesn’t really describe Lutherans at all.

Evangelical. The name Lutheran was originally a derogatory term used by the opponents of Luther. Luther objected to its use, and wished for those who followed his teaching to be called Evangelicals—a word taken from the Greek word evangelion, “Gospel.” To this day many Lutheran churches have the word “Evangelical” in their full title—for example, St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church.
      This word too got borrowed by other groups for their own purposes. Notably, it was used for a wing of the Church of England that deemphasized the liturgy and Sacraments and put more emphasis on personal faith and experience. In America, “evangelical” came to describe the frontier revivalists and others of their persuasion.
      Today “Evangelical” refers to non-liturgical, non-sacramental, non-creedal groups with Baptist or Pentecostal beliefs. How far from Luther’s intended use of the term!
      Why does it matter? Because Lutherans, seeing the word “Evangelical” in their church name, tend to think that this means they have something in common with today’s Evangelicals—although in the worship and teaching of modern Evangelicals there is often little or no Gospel (evangelion).

Real Presence. When someone says, “I believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Lord’s Supper,” Lutherans assume this person believes the same as they do. This is often not the case. Calvinists believe that the bread and wine are mere symbols of Christ’s absent body and blood. Yet they will say, “We believe in the Real Presence” because they believe that Christ is present spiritually, though not in body.
      Why does this matter? It should be obvious. We should say clearly, “The Real Presence of Christ’s body and blood in the Supper.” The term “Real Presence” has no meaning in itself. It can mean anything the speaker wants it to mean. If we invite people to commune just because they say they believe in the Real Presence, we may be inviting them to receive the Sacrament to their harm, not for blessing.
      For this reason, just a few decades after the Reformation, Lutherans often included in their statements of belief something like this: “We believe that in the bread and wine of the Lord’s Supper we receive with our mouths the true, natural body of Christ that was crucified for us on the cross, and the true, natural blood of Christ that flowed from his wounds and pierced side.” This was to guard against any misunderstanding of “Real Presence” as a presence that is only in spirit.

Pastor Ludwig

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

My heart is full of thankfulness for the outpouring of generous support by the members of Iowa District West and beyond, in response to our disaster relief fund following the tornados that damaged homes, infrastructure, and lives.

It is with a heavy heart that I find myself reaching out to you so soon with another appeal. As you are aware, calamity has struck again with the floods in western Iowa.

On Monday June 24, I visited Trinity Lutheran in Hawarden, Christ the King and First English (both in Spencer). Trinity has suffered major damage to both the parsonage and church building. Christ the King also suffered major damage to their church building. It appears that First English was spared. However, both Pastor Kaldahl’s and Pastor McGinley’s homes suffered major damage. This brief assessment does not take into consideration all the families, individuals and even churches impacted by these flood waters - please keep all affected in your prayers. A major difficulty with this disaster is that most homeowner and church insurance does not cover damage caused by flood waters.

In times like these, our faith community has an opportunity to come together and make a difference. We are reaching out to you today to request your support for our disaster relief efforts. Your generous donation will directly impact the lives of those affected by this natural disaster.

?????? ?????? ?????? ????????: 1. Keep our communities in your prayers. Encourage your congregation to pray for healing, strength, and resilience during this challenging time. 2. Through financial support. You may wish to consider a door offering. Your contribution will go towards emergency supplies, shelter, and long-term recovery efforts. 3. There will be organized efforts to provide physical assistance through Iowa District West LERT (Lutheran Early Response Team). If you are trained or would like to be trained by LERT please go to All LERT communication can be found on this site. 4. I encourage individual congregations to organize their own volunteer efforts. Just check with individual community leaders to find out their specific needs.

???????? ???? ????????????: 1. By mail: send your check payable to Iowa District West with “Disaster Relief” on the memo line. 2. Online: and click on “Donate” to make a secure online donation. Select the “Disaster Relief” option. 3. In person: Drop your donation off to the district office (409 Kenyon Rd., Suite B) during business hours (8am-4:30pm).

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In times like this, we remember the rainbow and the promises of God’s divine protection. But we have so much more than just a sign in the sky. The promise of the presence of Christ is found in the preaching of the Gospel and in His Sacraments. Rainbows come and are quickly gone, but the Word of the Lord endures forever.

We are deeply grateful for your compassion and willingness to stand with us during this challenging time. Your support is more than a financial gift; it is a beacon of hope for those who have lost so much. 

Always in Grace,
Rev. Dr. Steven D. Turner – President, Iowa District West
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod  

           Our Savior July Birthdays
  1  Darlene Hinz             14  Daryl Bierman                        
  2  Paul Bohling              16  Linda Krage
  2  Alexis McHenry        18  Riley Lee
  4  Susan Heinz               19  Betty Zundel
  4  Cody Lee                    21  Walter Schott
  4  Conner McKown        24  Harper Dockter
  7  Charles Angerhofer    25  Abigail Andreasen
  7  Frances Rutschke       25  Shawn Healy
11  Matthew Hales           26  Jonathan Imberi
11  Meghan Lorenzen      26  Lloyd Jerde
11  Emelia Nelson            27  Don Hoops
12  Whitney Rauscher      28  Loretta Podoll
                4  Chris & Brenda Aman
                5  Walter & Phyllis Schott
               23  Troy & Hallie McKown
               29  Dan & Susan Heinz
Meetings at Our Savior:
Call Meeting – Sun July 7th at 3:00 pm
Elders – Thur July 11th at 5:15 pm                                          
Church Council – Thurs July 11th at 6:30 pm
Voters’ Meeting – Sun July 14th at 9:30 am
Board of Education – Sun July 21st after the service
Call Meeting – Rev. Ross Fritz has declined the Call to serve Our Savior and St. John’s. Therefore, we will have another call meeting for both congregations on Sunday, July 7th at 3:00 pm at Our Savior.

Our Savior Voters’ Meeting – The next quarterly voters meeting will be Sunday, July 14th at 9:30 am. All communicant members age 18 and over can attend to help conduct the business of the church.

Elders for July – Brandon Christianson & Russ Brandt

Acolyte Schedule:
July 7th – Teigan McKown & Caleb Siebert
July 14th – Tucker Brick & Cashlyn Angerhofer
July 21st – Cassie McKown & Rhyan Johnson
July 28th – Tristan Tschappat & Dalton Lee
July 4th – The office will be closed for Independence Day.

LWML does not meet in July.  The LWML Breakfast will be Tuesday, August 13th at 9:30 am at The Millstone.

Coffee & Confessions – Join us Tuesday mornings at 6:30 am. We continue to look at the Lutheran Confessions from the Book of Concord. All are welcome!

Wednesdays – A short service of Vespers, LSB p. 229, is offered at 6:00 pm, followed by Bible Study at 6:30. We are studying 1st Corinthians. All are welcome!

Saturday Bible Study – July 13th 9:00-11:00 am. The topic is yet to be determined from the surveys, and will be announced in the bulletin on July 7th.

Lutheran Witness – The June/July issue of LW is available in the narthex.

Portals of Prayer for July – September are available in the narthex.

Our Website – Audio recordings of sermons are on the website, as well as online giving for Our Savior, current bulletins, newsletter, calendar, and more at

Church League Softball – Our team normally plays on Monday evenings, at one of the north softball fields. Watch the Sunday bulletins for each week’s time and location. Come out to cheer on our team!

Aberdeen Circuit Youth Events – July-August 2024
Watch the bulletins for more information about these events:
  • July 14th: Day Out at Mina Lake – barbecue, water sports (tubing, skiing, wakeboarding, swimming), campfire
  • July 28th: Lock-in at St. Paul’s – nerf war, games, movies, late night worship time, BYO snacks/drinks/games/nerf guns
  • August 4th: Wylie Park cookout – barbecue, beach activities, Thunder Road
  • August 18th: Game Night – Bible study, games, bonfire, smores
Job Opportunity – The Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) has served the congregations, schools, and associated ministries of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod for more than 40 years, providing a variety of ministry support services, capital resources, and financial expertise services including District Solutions.

LCEF is currently seeking an individual to serve as the LCEF District Vice President in the North Dakota and South Dakota Districts. This person would be responsible for working with congregations and ministry partners in an assigned geographic area, identifying opportunities where LCEF can partner with them. These opportunities include acting as a consultant, identifying needs and proposing solutions provided by district (staff) and LCEF resources (loans, investments and ministry solutions). This position includes a great deal of travel, so they are seeking candidates who are at a position in life where they would be able to do so.

To support their search, the LCEF will be awarding a $1,500 referral grant to the congregation who assisted in finding the right person. If you know of someone who possesses the requisite attributes to be successful in this position, please pick up the position description in the narthex or from the church office and pass it along. Encourage them to prayerfully consider submitting a resume to Yvonne Schone in HR (

Heartland LCMS
Singles Retreat

July 19-21, 2024
Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca
Near Iowa City, IA

Join us for a weekend of indoor and outdoor recreation, Bible studies, fellowship, and the opportunity to meet other Lutheran singles from the Midwest states. Open to ages 21-41.
$100 per person
for two nights of lodging and four meals
To register:
St. John’s - Columbia
July Birthdays

  14  Dalton Podoll                     31  Lucas Daggett
  16  Levi Christianson               31  Tara Meints
  24  Jodi Hart                             31  Trevor Meints
  25  Mic Daggett                        31  Jordan Miller
  28  Lyle Podoll                         31  Mike Ringgenberg

    7  Ray & Cyndy Larson
  31  Lloyd & Doris Dennert
St. John’s Usher List
July 7th – Brent & Barb Miller
July 14th – Josh & Desa Larson
July 21st – Karl & Val Eichler
July 28th – Roger & Sharon Zastrow
Aug. 4th – Mike & Molly Ringgenberg
Aug. 11th – Mic & Jen Daggett
Aug. 18th – Ray & Cyndy Larson
Aug. 25th – Dean & Lorie Ringgenberg
Click on the "Calendar" tab on the website to see the July Calendar.