Last Month's Newsletter

  Last Month's Newsletter  
That Old Slave Driver Feelings
He cracks his whip and people jump. Many are his slaves. He can boast of driving his victims to divorce, extramarital affairs, bitter grudges, nervous breakdowns, and nagging doubts of God’s love. The chains and shackles of despair are among his favorite tools. His name? Mr. Feelings.
How tragic it is that many Christians who have been set free from his tyranny by the blood of Christ don’t believe it. Like the slaves of the Civil War era who wouldn’t believe Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, which gave them freedom, many go on thinking that they must bow to old Feelings and do his will.
Mr. Feelings says, “You’ve lost that lovin’ feelin’. Time to end this marriage.” But faith says, “No, Christian love is a commitment of self-giving that operates in spite of feelings.” Mr. Feelings says, “But you love someone else.” Faith says, “The Lord tells me, ‘Rejoice in the wife of your youth’ (Prov 5:18). He gives me the strength to do what He commands.” Mr. Feelings says, “You can’t forgive so-and-so for what she did to you. You’ll always be bitter.” Faith says, “Forgiveness is a choice and an action, not a feeling. By the Spirit’s power I can forgive, no matter how I feel.”
Then Mr. Feelings cackles, snaps his whip, and says, “But you have no power. How long has it been since you felt God’s presence? Jesus has abandoned you. You’ve lost the Spirit. Since you don’t feel like a Christian, you may as well give in to me.” What does faith answer? “I don’t have to do any such thing. God’s promises stand firm in spite of you, Feelings! God says, ‘I will never leave you or forsake you.’ He says, ‘He who believes and is baptized will be saved.’ He says, ‘This is my body and blood, given and shed for you.’ And you know what, you old impostor? He doesn’t mention you anywhere!
That’s right. Not one single passage from Genesis to Revelation links feelings with salvation or the new life in Christ. It’s OK to have feelings. All the great men and women of the Bible experienced the whole range of emotions, and so does God. The problem comes when we look to our feelings as trustworthy guides to our relationship with God and for living the Christian life. Feelings are God-given, but they have been warped by sin. They are affected by everything from what we eat for dinner to chemical imbalances in our bodies. Temptations, the sinful attractions of the world, and demonic powers can all affect our feelings. A repentant, believing Christian who “feels” that God is angry with him is being deceived. So is an unrepentant person who ”feels” that God accepts him in his sin.
How do we Christians get free of that old slave driver Feelings? First, we believe that the truth of the Gospel has set us free from everything that would stand between us and our Savior—including feelings! Then we test our emotions by God’s Word. When Jesus says, “Whoever comes to me, I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37), but our feelings say, “Jesus has rejected me,” guess who’s lying! Next, we follow the example of the Psalmist and put our trust in God no matter how we feel (Psalm 42:11). Finally, in faith we act on God’s Word in spite of our feelings. When the Lord says, “Forgive your brother,” or when He says, “Do not let the sun go down on your anger,” He doesn’t say, “Feel it.” He simply says, “Do it.”
Mr. Feelings can rant and roar and sweet-talk and coax all he wants—and he will. But we Christians have our own Emancipation Proclamation, signed by Jesus Christ in His own blood, sealed with Holy Baptism and the Sacrament of the Altar. Let us look to His Word and Sacraments for assurance and power, not to that old slave driver Feelings.
Pastor Ludwig

 Our Savior
  September Birthdays

  4  Tom Hanson                19  Colton Fryer                             
  6  Phyllis Schott              19  Ron Hoops
  8  Rhyan Johnson           19  Chad Petrich
  8  Dave Scepaniak          21  Barbara Wickham
  8  Jenelle Siebert            24  Kenneth Maas
12  Nathan Thone             28  Russell Brandt
13  Aaryah Lassanske       28  Baker Haar
15  Judy Bulian                 30  Cyarrah Fryer
17  Sarah Rausch   
  9  Berwyn & Sharon Bain 
12  Steve & Paula Grieben
19  David & Karla Johnson
20  Paul & Peggy Dennert
22  Jonathan & Janean Imberi                                              
Meetings in September    
Nursery Circle – Sun Sept 8th after the service
LWML – Mon Sept 9th at 3:30 pm
Elders – Thur Sept 12th at 5:15 pm
Council – Thur Sept 12th at 6:30 pm
Board of Education – Sun Sept 15th after the service
Elders for September: Russell Brandt & Brandon Christianson

Acolyte Schedule:
Sept 1st – Caleb Siebert & Teigan McKown
Sept 8th – Tucker Brick & Ella Brick
Sept 15th – Rhyan Johnson & Cassie McKown
Sept 22nd – Dalton Lee & Caden Gelling
Sept 29th – Cashlyn Angerhofer & Grace Rausch

Labor Day – The church office will be closed on Monday, September 2nd for Labor Day.

The Fall Wednesday Schedule resumes on Sept. 4th, with catechism class at 5:00 pm, a short service of Vespers at 6:00, and Bible Study at 6:30.

Sunday School resumes on September 8th at 9:30 am. Teacher Installation will take place during the service on that day. 

Nursery Circle will resume their meetings on the second Sunday of each month after the service, starting September 8th.

Staff Devotions – Anyone is welcome to join us for a devotion on Wednesdays at 9:00 am in Pastor’s study.

Coffee & Confessions – Join us Tuesday mornings at 6:30 am to learn about the Lutheran Confessions, from the Book of Concord. All are welcome!

Senior Noon Potlucks will resume on September 10th and continue on the second Tuesday of each month through May.  Join us for good food and fellowship.

The LWML “Bakeless” Bake Sale will run from September 1st through October 6th.  There is a container in the narthex for monetary donations.  Thank you to everyone for your generosity in helping with our mission fundraiser.

Saturday Bible Studies – 9:00-11:00 am at Our Savior
September 14th – Who Are All These Lutherans?
The alphabet soup of Lutherans in America—LCMS, ELCA (formerly ALC, LCA), WELS, ELS, CLC, and other groups then and now—is a source of puzzlement to many. How did we get from the Reformation to where we are today? What are our differences? Do they even matter? Isn’t just labeling ourselves “Lutheran” enough? Why can’t we all just get together? This study will help decode the mass of letters and show how it isn’t just a matter of “liberal” and “conservative.”
October 12th – The End Times
Although there have always been some strange ideas about the last days, for most of its history the church has been unified in its general understanding of the end of the world. Only in the last 150 years has a teaching known as Dispensational Premillennialism with its insistence on a secret rapture of the church gained wide acceptance among Evangelicals and Pentecostals. What basis is there for this? Where does Israel fit into God’s plan? Will there be a literal thousand-year millennial reign of Christ on earth? A literal seven-year tribulation? An appearance of the Antichrist enthroning himself in a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem? Learn the truth about these and other notions.

Pictorial Directory – It’s time for a new directory! Photography will take place on Tuesday through Thursday, September 17, 18, and 19, at Our Savior. For online scheduling, go to Click “Photography appointment scheduling” on the right side. Enter our church code: sd126, and password: photos (all lower case). You can also call the church office 605-225-7106 to get signed up. Cherise is normally in the office 9:00am–2:00pm Mon-Fri. If she is not in, press 2 to leave her a message.
We want to see everyone in the new directory!
Home and Hospital Visits – If you would like Pastor to visit you at home, and bring communion, please let Pastor or the church office know. Also, if you are having surgery or are hospitalized and would like Pastor to visit and/or include you on the prayer list, please let us know.

Ink cartridges and cell phones – Please bring your used printer ink cartridges and cell phones to church.  They can be recycled so as not to harm the environment, and raise money for LWML mission projects as well.  There is a box for them in the narthex.  Thank you!

Grocery Receipts & Labels – Receipts from Ken’s and Kessler’s will be collected again from September through May so they can be turned in for cash. Place receipts in the container in the narthex. We can only turn in receipts from the current school year, so no old receipts, please. (Just an FYI – we receive a percentage of the grocery sales only; not for gas, gift cards, lottery tickets, alcohol, or cigarettes.)
We also collect Best Choice labels. Best Choice products can be found at Ken’s.  Save the UPC (bar code) including the words “Best Choice” above it, and place them in the same container as the receipts.

Vocatio: Retreat
October 6-8, 2024

Vocatio: Retreat is a three-day retreat at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, held in the spring and fall for college students and second-career men and women that offers an opportunity to rest in God's Word and learn more about the path to full-time service as a pastor, deaconess, missionary, or chaplain. 
During Vocatio: Retreat, you will devote time to prayer and the study of God’s Word, and engage in sessions that focus on the spiritual and personal aspects of the decision-making process of becoming a seminarian, as well as learn about academic courses, field education, vicarages/deaconess internships, financial aid, housing, and the enrollment process.  This event is free.
Registration deadline: Sept. 25, 2024
Visit for more information and to register.
Questions? Email or call 800-822-9545.
St. John’s - Columbia
September Birthdays

   5  Molly Ringgenberg                21  Dustin Buntrock
   8  Lorie Ringgenberg                 25  Andrew Buntrock
 12  Erin Wolter                             30  Larry Vietmeier           
 17  Amanda Bisbee 
    2  Mic & Jen Daggett
  18  Karl & Val Eichler
  21  Brent & Barb Miller
  26  Eric & Karen Hermans   
 St. John’s Usher List
 Sept. 1       Lyle & Cathi Podoll
 Sept. 8       Tony & Amanda Bisbee
 Sept. 15     Josh & Desa Larson
 Sept. 22     Karl & Val Eichler
 Sept. 29     Roger & Sharon Zastrow

             LWML SOUTH DAKOTA
     Fall Christian Life Workshops 2024

"God Gives Good Gifts in B.A.G.S."

      (Baptism, Absolution, Gospel, Supper) 
      Presenter: Rev. Randy Sturzenbecher
      September 7, 2024
      Divine Shepherd Lutheran Church
      7308 Wedgewood Dr, Black Hawk, SD

"Understanding Mass Media from a Christian Perspective"
       Presenter: Rev. Dr. Jacob Bobby  
       October 12, 2024
       St. John's Lutheran Church
       1009 Jackson St, Yankton, SD 
Kristy Ring, VP of Christian Life

Our Savior Lutheran Church - 624 North Jay Street – Aberdeen, SD 57401

St. John’s Lutheran Church - 23 North James Street – Columbia, SD 57433

Phone 605-225-7106, Email
Rev. Alan Ludwig – Cell # 509-540-9083, Email:

Pastor Ludwig will be in the office during the morning on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Secretary’s office hours: Mon-Fri  9:00am – 2:00 pm

Click on the "Calendar" tab on the website to see the September Calendar.